Legal Disclaimer: For entertainment purposes only. The presence of a dining establishment on the wheel in no way constitutes an endorsement of said establishment. This is particularly true of Der Weinerschinitzel. Spinning the wheel quickly may induce seizures or flashbacks. Ignore the advice of the wheel at your own peril. Avoid making sudden eye contact with the wheel. Do not taunt the wheel. The wheel knows where you live.
July 22, 2024

I am sad to report that after 15 years of The Wheel of Lunch, Yelp has decided to no longer provide free API services to the wheel. Yelp’s cheapest API plan is $230 a month! I can't afford that.

The Wheel of Lunch has always been a labor of |, and provides zero $ to me (I stopped running ads a while ago). I have no desire to “monetize” the Wheel.

I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the Wheel, while it existed. It was from an older, friendlier version of the World Wide Web that was not exclusively about commerce. Many of these sites are shuttered now, and the Wheel of Lunch is just another casualty in the long march to the death of the Web as we knew it.

Have a nice day! :)